The origins of Kombucha

Kombucha originated in Northeast China around 220 B.C. and was initially prized for its healing properties. Its name is reportedly derived from Dr. Kombu, a Korean physician who brought the fermented tea to Japan as a curative for Emperor Inkyo, a "legendary Japanese Emperor" of the 5th Century AD. 

The tea was brought to Europe as a result of trade route expansions in the early 20th century and a 1960s study in Switzerland compared its health benefits to those of yogurt. 


Kulture Tonic, made the traditional way!

Hand crafted for a revitalising tonic

Kulture Tonic Kombucha is hand crafted, following an ancient recipe, using only the highest quality ingredients and organic tea for maximum goodness and restorative health benefits. 

Raw and unpasteurised, this fermented tea provides the most powerful pro-biotic effects needed for better health in the human body. 

Living your healthiest life is a combination of good habits, regular exercise and replenishing the body with the best nutritional goodness. 

The benefits of Kulture Tonic Kombucha

A fermented tea, Kombucha is 100% natural, probiotic and revitalises your immune and digestive systems for a happier, healthier gut.

Millions of microbes, good and bad, live in our gut affecting our health.

This zesty, sweet tasting Kombucha is packed with friendly ‘good’ bacteria, yeasts, antioxidants, organic amino acids and vitamins to balance you gut health and improve digestion.

Antioxidants in Kombucha neutralise harmful free radicals, kill bad bacteria in the gut and help develop antibodies that strengthen your immune system.


We believe in the power of nature, Kombucha is a drink that focuses on building your gut health and is created to aid your digestion and immunity system. Our Kombucha’s are all made with organic tea and the highest quality ingredients.

What to expect when we heal our gut!

• Better Moods
• Enhanced resilience to stress
• Clearer skin
• Reduced seasonal allergies
• Lower risk of disease
• Improved cognitive function
• Improved absorption of critical nutrients
• Less anxiety and depression
• Less food sensitivities
• Better energy levels
• Reduced inflammation and pain
• Hormone balance

We see bringing balance as a way for nature and natural science to work together in a modern world where our lifestyles should be enjoyed without compromising on our health.

To create this balance within our bodies Kulture Tonic have created a range of four great tasting tonics that support gut health using natural flavours and fermented organic tea.

See our range of Kulture Tonic Kombucha flavours


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